CYBERPUNK ZINE Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that emerged in the late 20th century. It typically portrays a gritty, dystopian future where advanced technology coexists with societal decay, corporate dominance, and extensive cyberization of human beings. Here are some key characteristics of cyberpunk:

Dystopian setting: Cyberpunk worlds are often characterized by urban environments that are overpopulated, polluted, and controlled by powerful corporations or authoritarian governments.
High-tech, low-life: There is a stark contrast between the highly advanced technological capabilities and the grim living conditions of the masses. Cutting-edge innovations coexist with poverty, crime, and societal breakdown.
Cybernetics and body modification: Humans in cyberpunk worlds often have cybernetic implants, prosthetic limbs, or other technological enhancements integrated into their bodies, blurring the line between human and machine.
Hackers and cyberspace: Cyberpunk frequently explores the realm of cyberspace, virtual reality, and the role of skilled hackers who navigate and manipulate this digital realm.
Corporate power and corporate warfare: Megacorporations wield immense power and influence, often rivaling or surpassing the authority of governments. Corporate espionage, intrigue, and warfare are common themes.
Anti-heroes and marginalized characters: Cyberpunk protagonists are often outcasts, rebels, or individuals struggling against the oppressive system, such as hackers, cyberpunk mercenaries, or technologically enhanced rebels.
Noir elements: Cyberpunk often incorporates elements of noir fiction, such as gritty crime narratives, morally ambiguous characters, and a sense of cynicism and disillusionment.
Cyberpunk works often critique societal issues, such as the erosion of civil liberties, the dominance of corporations, and the dehumanizing effects of advanced technology. Notable cyberpunk works include novels like "Neuromancer" by William Gibson and films like "Blade Runner" and The Matrix.
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